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Employee of the Quarter Winner -Q4 2021

This quarter the EOTQ award goes to John Ford. John’s impressive general conduct and willingness to go above and beyond are second to none. We …
This quarter the EOTQ award goes to John Ford. John’s impressive general conduct and willingness to go above and beyond are second to none. We regularly receive positive feedback on his consistent communication and exceptional service delivery and the ability to meet the needs of our clients. 
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Employee of the Quarter Winner – Q1 2022

Congratulations to our Employee of the Quarter, Niamh. Niamh has worked incredibly hard over the last few months, making sure that her work is done …
Congratulations to our Employee of the Quarter, Niamh. Niamh has worked incredibly hard over the last few months, making sure that her work is done in a prompt manner to a continually high quality. Our employee of the quarter for Q1 was chosen by our fellow colleagues., MS pride ourselves on the willingness to support each other, ensuring the smooth running of our operations across all departments and at all levels.
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Employee of the Quarter Winner – Q2 2022

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic activity, employment, and our way of working have been far-reaching. In turn, all of these shocks have …
The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic activity, employment, and our way of working have been far-reaching. In turn, all of these shocks have had the potential to substantially impact subjective well-being. As our lives slowly return to normal, we look back over the last two years and know we wouldn’t be where we are now without our employees. Hard work and a positive attitude play a vital role in our successes.
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